Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Looking for Contributors

As some of you may have noticed, Tim hasn't been posting much as of recent. His new position keeps him swamped, and he simply doesn't have the time to write when he gets home.

I've done my best to keep up with the furious pace of a post every weekday, but we're getting towards the end of the LARPing season. That means I'm going to have a lot less anecdotal posts to go on.

Based on comments I've seen below, I know you guys and gals have a lot of great ideas and opinions on LARPing. Wouldn't you like a platform for your opinions?

As such, I'm taking on guest posts for anyone who's interested (maybe I'll make it a segment), or even take on a full time contributor to the blog. If you're interested, send an email to


  1. Do you have to be in/from Ohio? ;)

  2. He said I could contribute.

    Indiana is practically part of Ohio, anyway.

  3. As Hedgehog said, I am taking contributors from pretty much everywhere, as long as the information is useful to the locals.
